Source Intelligence


Experts at engaging suppliers and tracing supply chains, Source Intelligence® combines advanced data analytics with powerful visual reporting tools to help clients gain insight into operational efficiencies and spot potential exposure to risks. 

Their Vision: To ensure a sustainable earth for future generations by helping their clients understand their supply chain so they may minimize, and ultimately mitigate, environmental impacts associated with their business activities and in turn demonstrate their own commitment to sustainability. They envision consumers and commerce making informed decisions about the materials and products they use based on Source Intelligence, the leading choice for Supply Chain Compliance and Sustainability information.

Corporate Social Responsibility: Source Intelligence are dedicated to giving back to the community. They believe the company should support the community within which it operates. As such, Source Intelligence commits to initially contributing at least 1% of their gross sales revenue to organizations that demonstrate a specific need for support for projects that will result in a high level of social and community benefit. Source Intelligence will be mindful of its own environmental impact. As such, they will strive to be carbon neutral/negative, as well as minimize consumption of non-renewable resources.

Corporate Values: Source Intelligence promises to build trust and confidence in their customers by conducting their business transactions in an ethical and responsible manner. They treat our shareholders as valued customers and advisors. Source Intelligence is committed to innovation in Sustainability information and data management. They will offer services of the highest quality and deliver those services with the highest level of integrity.

Environmental Policy: Source Intelligence is committed to being mindful of its own environmental impact and conducting themselves ethically. They utilize their own information to achieve our goal of being a carbon-neutral company. This means they do not add to our customers' carbon footprint. Source Intelligence is also committed to minimizing its consumption and utilizing renewable energy.


Product or Service:
Supply chain management and data collection


Jess Kraus
Co-Founder and CEO



Benefit Corporation:

Certified B Corporation: