100 Black Men of Orange County
The mission of 100 Black Men of Orange County (The 100-OC) is to empower the African American community by providing focused, effective and participatory leadership that improves public policy and enhances the overall education, social and economic status of minorities. It does this by coordinating its efforts with other Orange County organizations and focusing its attention on systemic issues that impede African Americans from achieving a higher quality of life.
Part of a national organizations with chapters throughout the country, The 100-OC focuses on programmatic initiatives aligned with the theme Four For the Future, which include:
The 100-OC is committed to the dissemination of information that impacts the intellectual, emotional, behavioral and spiritual development of black youth. Its signature program, Passport to the Future, has received rave reviews based upon its record of success. The Orange County chapter also provides scholarship awards to deserving students who graduate from its Passport program.
The 100-OC offers three signature mentoring programs. Mentoring the 100 Way holistically addresses the social,economic, and cultural needs of children ages 8-18. Members of the 100 are trained to become mentors, advocates, and role models for the youth within their communities. Collegiate 100 is offered by an auxiliary organization comprised of male and female college students who implement the national organization's mentoring and tutoring programs on campuses throughout the United States.
Health and Wellness
The 100-OC collaborates with hospitals, healthcare and other community organizations to promote preventative health strategies, deliver screenings and provide education on a range of diseases. Specific initiatives include: Partners in Prevention, The Black Church Week of Prayer (HIV/AIDS Awareness Program), and Let's Talk About It (Prostate Health Program).
Economic Empowerment
The 100-OC provides guidance and support through the facilitation of workshops, seminars and active partnerships with local financial institutions, schools and families.
Bill Lewis
Area served:
Orange County
# of employees: