Haim Saban
Haim Saban, a worldwide pioneer and leader in the entertainment industry, is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Saban Capital Group and one of the nation's most generous philanthropists.
A native of Egypt, Mr. Saban immigrated to Israel and France before moving to Los Angeles in 1983. He then established Saban Entertainment, which produced several major hits including The X-Men™ and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers™.
In 1995, he merged his company with Rupert Murdoch's Fox Kids Network and two years later, that partnership acquired the Fox Family Channel. Several years later, Saban and Murdoch sold Fox Family Worldwide to The Walt Disney Company. The deal, spearheaded by Mr. Saban, was the largest cash transaction conducted by a single individual in the history of Hollywood.
Thereafter, Mr. Saban formed Saban Capital Group, an investment company. Among the company's most notable acquisitions was its purchase of Univision, the number one ranked Spanish-language television network, in 2007.
Mr. Saban's passionate devotion to the philanthropic and political areas reflects both his wide breadth of interests and his commitment to a strong relationship between the United States and Israel.
Mr. Saban and his wife Cheryl started the Saban Family Foundation in 1999, which supports medical, children's and education programs, including the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, Soroka Children's Hospital in Israel, the John Wayne Cancer Institute, the Motion Picture and Television Foundation, the William Jefferson Clinton Foundation, and the United Friends of the Children, among many other organizations.
The Saban Family is on the Business Week's list of the 50 most generous philanthropists in the United States.