Fallen Fruit
Fallen Fruit is an art collaboration conceived in 2004 by David Burns, Matias Viegener and Austin Young. Since 2013, David and Austin have continued the collaborative work. Fallen Fruit began by mapping fruit trees growing on or over public property in Los Angeles. The collaboration has expanded to include serialized public projects and site-specific installations and happenings in various cities around the country and the world.
By always working with fruit as a material or media, Fallen Fruit "reimagines public interactions with the margins of urban space, systems of community and narrative real-time experience." Projects include: Public Fruit Jams (communal jam making); Nocturnal Fruit Forages (harvesting fruit at night on public land); Public Fruit Meditations; and the creation of artwork and installations that "explore the social and political implications of our relationship to fruit and the world around us."
Additional projects include the creation of Hawthorne's Del Aire Fruit Park, a ground-breaking civic art commission. Established in 2012 as an urban orchard, the Del Aire Fruit Park is sustained, nurtured and harvested by the public. It is California's first public fruit park. Two years later, 2014 Fallen Fruit collaborated with Heart of LA (HOLA) to create Los Angeles' first Urban Fruit Trail featuring over 150 fruit tees planted in the MacArthur Park neighborhood. Other projects include exhibitions in Los Angeles, Honolulu, Salt Lake City and Honolulu.
David Burns
Austin Young
Echo Park
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Art collaboration (earned income)